Kilian joined the HUGO Transformation core team upon its inception. With only the Transformation Director and one assistant on board at this point, the first task of the team consisted of defining the target operating model that would enable the brand to become more agile and relevant for the young customer groups. Over the next 3 months, the core team worked closely with important stakeholders from various business units to identify weaknesses in the existing and to develop three alternative operating models. During this period, Kilian defined and developed new business ideas and concepts and determined key growth drivers. Following the decision on the most promising operating model, the core team staffed and kick-started six pilot projects to rapidly test the underlying core hypotheses of the new operating model. Over the next 9 months, under the guidance of the core team, the project teams tested new brand engagement formats in retail stores and digital interactions with the wholesalers, a customer-facing AI-driven digital platform, a trend detection algorithm, and brought to market a first fully digitally designed capsule. Kilian executed this project prior to officially founding Boldheart.